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To nurture an OPEN SPACE

an all-embracing residence for all the






TÂN HẬU TRƯỜNG (NEW BACKSTAGE) is a theatre project initiated and curated by XplusX Studio, organized by the Goethe-Institut Hanoi and Manzi Art Space, that aims at fostering independent theatrical and performing art practices in Hanoi.

NEW BACKSTAGE invites proposals from any individual or group of creative practitioners: Professional artists, students, beginners, and explorers who want to professionalize their careers are all welcome to submit their theater or performance ideas.

open call for1st phrase submission

Deadline: 31 August 2024

ACCOMPANY individuals and groups of practitioners, encouraging them to realize their ideas into diverse performances with no limitation of genres or methods (it can be an adaptation, an original script or experimental stage)

ASSIST the participants during production process, equip them with expert consultation, technical, logistical & financial support, and provide aids throughout the management and organization of the performance events

ACTIVATE a fresh, less formal presentation of theatre & performing art, challenging it outside the confined space of official opera house or drama theater, and making this art accessible and relatable for public audience

PROMOTE theatre arts in cultural and contemporary art scene of Hanoi

BUILD a sustainable community of audiences and theatre practitioners who engage, dialogue and support each other

ESTABLISH the role of theater as a responsive, reflective instrument for social dialogues and the creation of an inclusive art environment

Production duration

Aiming to be an engaging long-term project, 

NEW BACKSTAGE will run its first edition for one year

(06.2024 - 07.2025)

The FIRST OPEN CALL for proposal submission is open from June 2024 until August 31, 2024

Selected proposals will undergo a minimum TWO-MONTH-LONG PRODUCTION RUN and be introduced into official performances at manzi spaces


Result of the project: an inviting 

for local audience with a regularity of

1 new production launched every 2 or 3 months and 

each production to be peformed for 3 - 4 times

Logistics support from manzi

1. Manzi provides VENUES and supports part of the FACILITIES for the selected proposal during the production process and performing events 

2. Manzi provides assistance within its capabilities to meet the TECHNICAL HUMAN RESOURCES requirements

3. Manzi is responsible for all the PROMOTION & COMMUNICATIONS campaigns and ORGANIZATIONof public events

Technical & expertise support from
XplusX Studio

1. In the role of an accompanist, XplusX Studio provides CONSULTATION (only as non-interfering guidelines) throughout the whole production process, assisting in finalizing the script, casting, staging, sound & lighting design, etc.

2. XplusX Studio also supports the participants with their networks, helps them CONNECT WITH ARTISTS, CREATIVE COMMUNITIES, PRACTITIONERS & RESERCHERS in diverse related disciplines such as literature, history, performing arts, sound art,...

Growth & development support from
the Goethe-Institut

1. Throughout the production process, the Goethe-Insitut contributes to the 

EXPERTISE and PROFESSIONAL TRAINING of the participants through workshop and coaching program with international partners and experts

2. The Goethe-Institut also provides DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES through international networking and professional overseas exchange activities

3. As a long-time collaborator, the Goethe-Institut can assist the participants and their project group/collective on STRATEGIC ISSUES and SUSTAINABLE PLANNING for a long career path


1. Each selected proposal will receive financial assistance for their production. The offered grants will be considered and decided based on the budget plan and production process

Financial support

2. Performances may be ticketed, and the proceeds will be be utilized to cover the cost of administration & event organization

Eligibility of applicant


  1. ​Applicants can be either an individual or a group, regardless of practice field, expertise or experience

  2. Applicants must have ability to work collaboratively

  3. Submitted proposal must be original and can be from either individual or a collective of creators 

Preference will be given to ideas and proposals, which include:

  • Original script writing

  • Staging designed with site-specific, context-responsive elements that are interactive with the manzi’s spaces


* There is no age or place of residence restriction on the applicants.

Application package

The submissions must include:

  1. A brief description of the proposed idea, including the budget plan (no more than three A4 pages),

  2. A draft sketch of the performance (which can be in the form of illustration or demo video or filming footage) or a draft script

  3. Images/video/audio files of past or present works with any available links to relevant websites or social media accounts (optional)

  4. Portfolio and updated CV of applicant(s)

  5. [REQUIRED IF APPLICANTS OPERATED AS A GROUP]: Statement about the method of working:  One-A4-page description of how you have been working as an artist group/collective and the effective formula you have developed and defined for your own group. Please also specify the collaboration's components that you are still unclear about, as well as how you would need advice and inspiration for your practices in the performing arts.

*Language: English or Vietnamese

Submission process



Please send your application package to, cc

with subject line as 'Tham gia dự án TÂN HẬU TRƯỜNG 2024’ (2024 NEW BACKSTAGE PROJECT - SUBMISSION)

Please use Google Drive, Dropbox or WeTransfer to upload large size data and send over the link


1. Proposals will not be returned to applicant(s)

2. Proposals must be original. Any copyright infringement is unjustifiable and will result in immediate disqualification

3. Proposals will be evaluated by our jury board (representatives from the Goethe-Institut Hanoi, XplusX Studio and Manzi Art Space)

4. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: The participants of NEW BACKSTAGE project will retain their rights, after the production in this project is completed, to continue to develop, adapt, and restage their works for any reproduction and performance in their future practices, with appropriate acknowledgement of NEW BACKSTAGE project

5. CONFIDENTIALITY: By submitting an idea to this open call, the entrant acknowledges that the proposed idea is confidential and proprietary information and that the entrant retains ownership of it. The entrant accepts that the proposal will not be shared with any third parties without the entrant's prior written consent. 


The Goethe-Institut Hanoi was founded in 1997. Its main intention is to foster cultural exchange between Vietnam, Germany and Europe. In this perspective, we organize a broad range of cultural activities, presenting German culture in Asia and intensifying the cultural dialogue between our countries. The Goethe-Institut Hanoi focuses its programme work on seven main areas, which are: Migration & diaspora, Postcolonialism & fair culture, Inclusion, Equality for women & LGBTIQ-persons, Urbanization & urban development, Sustainability in documentary films, Digitalization & society.

Established in December 2012 as an independent art space aiming to support contemporary Vietnamese art, Manzi encourages diversity, creativity and co-creation in the arts & culture. 

Through a wide range of activities, including visual art exhibitions, talks, workshops, movie screenings, music and dance performances, and public art projects, after over a decade of operation, Manzi has established itself not only as a space for contemporary artists (both established and emerging) to realize their new experiments but also as a must-following place for local art-lovers.​

Manzi has a collaborative approach, working together with local artists, intellectuals and social activists, as well as international cultural institutions.

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XplusX Studio is an independent creative collective in the field of performing arts and scenography, founded by stage director and scenographer Ha Nguyen Long.

XplusX Studio was born with the desire to contribute to creating a foothold of traditional Vietnamese performing arts for domestic and international audiences and, at the same time, to create an interdisciplinary community of performing arts and decentralized theatre in Vietnam. 

 XplusX Studio focuses on both researching and experimenting with performing art forms, traditional to modern, creating meaningful references, connections and reflections between Eastern and Western performing arts. We aim to contribute to an ecosystem of sustainable communities for practicing performing arts that is taking shape in Vietnam.

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Do you need further assistance? Please leave your message below, we will contact soon

Thank you for your interest in New Backstage project. Manzi will get back to you via email


Theatre project                2024 - 2025

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